Connect your advertising spend to real-world results

Understand your campaign impact with our marketplace of objective measurement solutions and partnerships.

Introducing new metrics for today’s media landscape

Take your measurement strategy beyond reach to get more value out of your ad investments.

TV Quality Index

Measure the quality of your audience’s TV ad experience across inventory options.

Quality Reach Index

Compare each targeting strategy’s relevance based on your campaign’s seed.

Retail Sales Index

Connect your campaigns directly to in-store sales from a collection of top retailers.

Access our powerful marketplace of independent measurement providers

Find your preferred partners and discover new ones to prove your impact on outcomes, ranging from brand lift to foot traffic to in-store sales.

Choose your preferred source of truth

Onboard your own conversion data.
Easily and securely integrate your own first-party conversion data to directly measure the outcomes you care about most.

Tap in to leading partnerships.
Access retail sales and other verified data sets to prove your campaign’s impact against all your marketing objectives.

Light blue background with buttons displaying various preferred sources on The Trade Desk

Measure success on your own terms

Retain control of your data

Export your data with the granularity you need, and share it with your external analytics tools and models via flexible reporting feeds and APIs.

Yellow graphic displaying a laptop and text

Plug in your existing measurement strategy

Integrate with your preferred measurement frameworks and models, such as media mix modelling and multi-touch attribution, to support your overarching efforts.

Orange graphic showing a bar chart with Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4

Stay privacy-conscious without giving up control

Maximise the value of your data in the context of global privacy regulations, with privacy-conscious measurement solutions and partnerships.

Blue background with four headshots and a graphic of a lock in the middle to represent "privacy conscious"
Case Study - The Trade Desk - Coca-Cola

The insights and level of detail we gained with The Trade Desk–FairPrice retail data solution opened our eyes to what’s possible on a programmatic platform when partnering with a retailer.

Paul SimDigital Platforms Director, The Coca-Cola Company
227%uplift in sales
12-houraverage conversion time

Learn how to maximise your measurement potential with the Resource Desk