Demand-Side Platform (DSP)

The leading independent DSP built for data-driven marketers

Reach relevant audiences on the open internet, drive growth, and prove your impact.

Elevate your marketing strategy with a single platform

With The Trade Desk, you can reach the right audience with the right message at the right time – wherever they are across the open internet.

All-in-one platform

Access the leading omnichannel DSP with best-in-class data, measurement, and inventory.

Data-driven experience

Our easy-to-navigate UI helps media buyers spend more time focussing on what matters most.

Custom solutions

Tailor our platform to meet your business goals, whether you’re an advertiser, publisher, or partner.

Connecting you to quality audiences at scale

Meet your audience wherever they are across digital channels and devices – including display, video, audio, digital out-of-home, and more than 150 million Connected TV (CTV) households around the world.

Trusted by the world’s biggest brands and agencies

We don’t own media. We just help you buy it better.

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Because we don’t own or operate media, we can prioritise your ad spend towards inventory that helps your campaign perform better.

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Open and interoperable

Choose your preferred solutions from the industry’s largest marketplace of data, measurement, brand safety, and inventory providers.

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Objective measurement

Gain an unbiased understanding of your campaign effectiveness with our marketplace of objective and transparent third-party measurement solutions.

Stay on the cutting edge, fuel your competitive edge

  • Retail data

    Access data from the largest marketplace of the world’s biggest retailers to target high-value audiences, and connect your omnichannel media buys to sales and ROI.  

  • Identity

    We’re partnering industry-wide to set a new standard for identity on the open internet through European Unified ID, so you can scale your audiences and measure campaigns more effectively.

  • Connected TV

    As the preferred DSP for CTV media buying, we partner with all major ad-supported streaming services to provide you with access to premium inventory, as well as the ability to tie your CTV ads to your omnichannel campaigns.

  • Omnichannel at scale

    We make it easier to unify your media buying across channels and touchpoints in a single platform, with the queries-per-second scale to help you consider more opportunities to connect with your customers wherever they’re spending time on the open internet.

  • Data and measurement

    Our robust marketplace of data and measurement solutions makes it easy to connect with your most valuable audiences more effectively, and measure results that matter for your brand.

  • Artificial intelligence

    Koa™, your AI co-pilot, is the industry’s leading and most transparent AI solution designed to complement human intuition with data-driven insights throughout every aspect of our platform, so you can maximise campaign performance – and your time.

Get the most out of our platform with the Resource Desk


Let's work together

See what our platform can do for you.