Graphic of a computer with the Programmatic Table - Kokai, The Resource Desk

Step into the future of media buying

Since its launch, Kokai has become even more powerful with new tools for audience-based buying, easier access to premium inventory, new measurement innovation, and artificial intelligence (AI). Now, advertisers can join in on an elevated experience that takes media buying to the next level. 

The ‘why’ behind Kokai

The success of your campaigns hinges on your ability to make important decisions every day — like whom to target, where to reach them, how to allocate your budget, and which optimizations to make. These choices can make all the difference in a winning ad campaign.   

Our latest platform upgrade centers your campaigns around high-value audiences while removing the complexities associated with programmatic buying. With robust new tools, enhanced AI, and a streamlined user experience, Kokai surfaces data next to decisions so that you — the media buyer — have insights at every stage of a campaign. This helps you optimize in real time, driving better results and getting more value from your marketing.

We’ve been gradually releasing elements of the Kokai experience (and the future of media buying) on our platform. Today, that all comes together in our most exciting and transformative release yet. 

Get to know the 5 key principles of Kokai

As consumer engagement across the open internet becomes more fragmented and the advertising ecosystem evolves, you can stay ahead of the curve with insights on the Resource Desk and within Kokai. With Kokai’s simplification of the programmatic universe and sophisticated yet simple tools, you can finally focus more on adopting a true audience-based buying approach.  

Every campaign is an opportunity to reach new audiences and optimize your digital strategy. And with Kokai, we’re excited to make it easier and more effective than ever. 

Visit the Knowledge Portal to learn more

New to The Trade Desk? Contact us to learn more about Kokai today.