Optic 2000 sees clear benefits from omnichannel marketing

June 26, 20243 minute read
image with BFA 2024 winner corporate logos

Optic 2000 is a leading vision and eyewear specialist operating in France that faced a major challenge: how best to increase brand awareness among young people, who move fluidly between online and offline devices and platforms. That’s why its agency, Arena Media, part of the Havas Media Network, developed an omnichannel approach integrating video, TV, audio, display, and – for the first time – programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH).

Optic 2000 + The Trade Desk case study - Key Results in black text


Positioning the brand as a leader in visual health and eyewear

The objective of Optic 2000’s ‘“Young Active’” campaign was clear: raise awareness of its co-branded eyewear. Offering qualities like UV protection and blue-light filtering, the product is perfect for students and young adults who play by day, game by night, and move fluidly across channels and devices.

But to reach this active audience, the team needed a way to show up during all the right moments – maximising their visibility in a non-intrusive way.


Developing an omnichannel approach to reach a younger audience

By adopting a connected, cohesive omnichannel approach, the team were able to set and control the frequency of their ads – striking a healthy balance between staying top of mind among audiences without creating ad overload. This approach also led to savings they could then reinvest to expand reach.

To see just how effective their audio, Connected TV (CTV), and DOOH ads were at driving the audience to Optic 2000’s website, the team linked the homepage pixel with our cross-device Identity Alliance. As a result, they saw DOOH drive 19% of total site visits, 6% of which came from IPTV. And by tracing audience journeys across all channels (including non-clickable screens), the brand gained valuable insights into the impact of CTV and DOOH ads on its audience’s path to purchase.

With DOOH, the team also activated our Audience Reach Percentage (ARP) capability. This enabled them to prioritise spend towards the screens where gamers and students were over-represented, resulting in a 13% uplift of this target audience.

Finally, the team achieved frequency savings of €13,000, over half of which were from IPTV – made possible by telcos becoming open to sharing their data and insights. In fact, IPTV and over-the-top (OTT) generated 87% incremental reach beyond online video.

Now, Optic 2000 plans to use these omnichannel insights – as well as continue to test emerging channels – for its future campaigns.

Established in 2018, the Bid Factor Awards (BFAs) has become one of the biggest and most prestigious trader events in Europe. It’s our opportunity to celebrate the region’s trailblazing digital campaigns and recognise the traders flexing the full capabilities of programmatic advertising. Click here to meet all the winners.

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