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How to make the most of programmatic buying on the open internet

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Recruiting fraud is a growing issue for many companies.
The Trade Desk takes this issue seriously and is taking steps to address it.
Our platform
Artificial intelligence has become a buzzword across many industries. Through all the discourse and trial-and-error, one thing has become clear: AI delivers its best results when guided by human expertise. The Trade Desk’s AI integrations put traders in the driver’s seat, helping them manage their campaigns more efficiently.
Programmatic campaigns consider millions of ad opportunities each day — far too many for humans to compute. Thankfully, that’s where AI excels.
Unlike other AI solutions that do not allow user input, our AI, Koa™, was designed to be your partner, not a replacement. It’s your expertise and inputs that fuel and guide the AI so it can find the best ad opportunities for your campaign.
Our platform enables you to effortlessly express what you value for every campaign.
By simply entering your key campaign inputs and preferences, you give our platform AI the context it needs to be able to help you find and prioritize the most valuable impressions — the ones that are most likely to help you achieve your desired outcomes.
Once you’ve set your targeting and parameters (like audience, location, exclusion lists, time of day, and/or which channels you’re targeting), you’re left with a pool of eligible impressions that our platform considers for your campaign.
While every impression in the pool may meet your criteria, no two impressions are alike. AI can parse through each impression and help you go after the most valuable and relevant impressions to meet your campaign-specific goals.
As the trader, your guiding hand can give the AI everything it needs to help you find the most valuable impressions and drive your desired outcomes.
We’ve designed our AI to do the heavy lifting for you. It ranks every single impression opportunity it sees and goes after the ones most likely to help you drive performance.
The AI also analyzes more complex but important dimensions, such as whether:
An individual user or household is hard to reach or highly sought after;
There are other high-value impressions available at a lower CPM;
You’re paying the right price based on the historical clearing price;
There is an opportunity to lower the bid without impacting your ability to win.
And at bid time, all of this happens in a fraction of a second — to help you win the best impressions at the best price, driving performance and results for every campaign.
Looking for more information on our AI?
New to The Trade Desk? Contact us to learn more about Kokai and its AI capabilities today.
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Resources Our platform
Resources Our platform