Put your data to work from anywhere. Match with audiences everywhere.

Securely onboard, activate, and scale your customer data across the open internet with Galileo.

Why Galileo?

The internet is changing. And the identifiers that will withstand that change are deterministic and email-based. To take advantage of this shift, advertisers need a seamless and secure way to activate their customer relationship management (CRM) data — and more accurately match and measure it across publishers, channels, and devices.

What makes Galileo different

Other proposed first-party data solutions can’t deliver the transparency and objectivity advertisers need, instead creating an internet of mini walled gardens and more black-box measurement. Galileo harnesses the interoperability of Unified ID 2.0 (UID2) to help advertisers match their data easily and execute truly omnichannel campaigns across the open internet.


Reduce friction and fragmentation by connecting CRM data and deterministic IDs with a single, secure identifier.

Omnichannel activation

Match audiences across publishers, platforms, devices, and channels, including Connected TV.

Holistic management

Control frequency so you don’t waste ad spend reaching the same audience too many times in too many places.

Open measurement

Measure performance in your clean room of choice or with our marketplace of UID2 partners.

How it works

Galileo can fit into the simplest or most complex advertiser workflows. Whether you’re managing CRM data in-house or using a customer data platform (CDP) or clean room, we’ve built integrations across leading platforms for audience segmentation and measurement.

Ready to get started with Galileo? Contact your account rep or send us a message.